
4 Jan 2012

Organizing Yourself

 Time management is about organizing yourself. That means you not your closets and drawers.

  Ther are many ways we can organize ourselves
Source: google.com via Alynn on Pinterest
Time budgetting or how to use your time to get done what you need to do.On any given day we have stuff to do.
Go to work-cook-spend time with our children-clean-laundry-be a taxi-walk the dog-refill our basket
And there is only so many hours in which we can do it (please don't loose sleep over unfolded laundry we are already sleep deprived).

This is when you need to time budget. How many hours are we out of the house for work? How much time will you spend on housecleaning? Don't forget to take some time to read a book or do a hobby so we have something pleasurable to do to refill our apple baskets.

Is there somethings on our list we can hand off to someone else-kids vacumn their own room, husband get kids through bathtime routine?

Is there something we can do faster or easier- cook two meals at the same time so we don't need to cook tomorrow, have the kids do their reading homework by reading to you while you fold laundry?
What about creating a to-do list. I love to make list, making them up in the morning or the night before. Sometime if I do something that isn't on my list I will add it just so I can cross it off (please don't judge me).They can be daily, weekly or monthly. I have a friend who has one that she keeps in a spiral notebook, she adds to the bottom of the list and crosses things off as she does them.

Do you have a family calendar to keep track of multiple schedules. I write each person's schedule in a different color ink so I know at a glance whose dentist appt it is and get the right absentee note off to the right teacher (once again organizing myself).

 I created a housework checklist where I listed everything I needed to do in a month then made boxes to show how many times I wanted to do that chore that month. You can download a blank one here and read about why I chose this method.

Though sometime I look at my checklist on the wall and still walk away to go sit on the couch to read for a bit- usually while saying to my munchkins " this is the first time I have sat down today please don't ask me for anything for 15 minutes" and this is okay cause we need to schedule in me time so we can keep on going.

I keep all the equipment my kids need for their various out of school activities  in bags ready to go. You can read about my bag system here.

These are few ways I organize myself. This month my posts are going to focus on organizing ourselves  

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Love this idea! I'm having a linky party too! I would love it if you would link this post up to it! Here is the link http://www.thesouthernproductqueen.com/one-stop-shoppe-linky-party-2 Thanks for sharing!


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