I am always amazed by those people's pantry,but it seems like a type of hoarding though don't you think.
Anyway do you keep a stocked pantry? what do you consider stocked?
I read an article that states the minimum a pantry should contain is a replacement for every item you keep in your cupboards- from tomato sauce to toothbrushes. This seems doable I think.
Then you work up to having 3 days of supplies-food and hygiene -for your family plus one person.
I'm not sure that I would have the room for storing anything beyond that. Do you only store your pantry items in the kitchen area or do you have other storage areas in the house?
Defiantly something to aim for.
While having a 3-day supply of food is a good place to start, it would not last very long in an emergency situation if you had no access to a store. We have a family of 7, and we try to keep a year's supply of most food staples in our home, and most of that it in our pantry. It took us awhile to build up our food storage, but I feel so blessed that we have it. I broke my foot 3 months ago and was unable to shop for over a month, so it was such a blessing to just be able to eat from our food storage at home.
ReplyDeleteA year's supply would be great.
DeleteWhat do you consider staples? rice, pasta,canned goods, flour, sugar- I can't seem to think beyond this
where do you store it all?
I have the small goal of a month, once I reorganize my pantry it should fit.
I store what our family will eat. Several years ago we made the mistake of purchasing a bulk amount of dehydrated food in cans because we thought we were "doing the right thing" by building a food storage. Unfortunately, most of the dehydrated food was really gross, and our family would not eat it. We have wheat, sugar, flour, salt, pasta, sauces, canned vegies, beans, dry beans, soups, snacks (fruit snacks, granola bars, etc.), chocolate chips, peanut butter chips, frozen meats (I hope to get a pressure cooker and can some meats), tuna, peanut butter, etc. Just start with the things you know your family will eat and focus on building up a little at a time. Watch for specials in your area, and combine those sales with coupons to get the most for your money. If you would like to send me an email, I know I have a list in my coupon binder on building your food storage for cheap, and I will send that to you. My email is gbtank@qwestoffice.net